Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett

Managing rumination

Ruminative worry can have a life of its own, consistently interfering with all other thoughts. It is important to break this cycle. First of all…

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Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett


Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry, or fear that can range from mild and manageable, to overwhelming and debilitating. We all feel anxiety some of the time…

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Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett

Negative Critical Voice

The critical inner voice is a pattern of destructive thoughts toward ourselves (and others) that feels almost automated, intrinsic…

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Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett

Self Esteem – Part 2

There are lots of techniques and tools that you can do for yourself that will help you to overcome low self-esteem in time…

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Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett

Low self esteem - Part 1

Self-esteem can be described as the way we perceive and value ourselves based on the opinions and beliefs we hold about ourselves…

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Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett

Re-framing thoughts

Our minds are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts, visions of horrible things that may happen to us, and terrifying reasons not to do the things we want to do…

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Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett

Stopping automatic negative thoughts (ANTs)

In the 1990’s Dr. Daniel Amen came up with the term Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). He said they are “cynical, gloomy, and complaining thoughts that just seem to keep coming all by themselves"…

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Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett

What is neuroplasticity?

Our brains are constantly being shaped by experience. Most of us have very different behaviours and thoughts today than we did 20 years ago. This shift is neuroplasticity in action…

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Danielle Corbett Danielle Corbett

Feeling overwhelmed, all of the time?

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry, or fear than can range from mild and manageable, to overwhelming and debilitating. We all feel anxiety some of the times, it is completely normal to have…

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