
Having therapy online

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, therapy has increasingly shifted online.

Many people now have a preference for it, and more therapists have since trained specifically for delivering therapy virtually. We also know online therapy is as effective as in-person sessions. (1)  

The benefits of online therapy are many: no travel time, takes place in the comfort of your own home, and can often be lower priced than in-person sessions. For those with mobility issues, it is a huge relief that therapy is increasingly virtual.

Therapy sessions online are very different to having face-to-face sessions. Some worry that it will feel awkward, or disconnected, but with some thought and preparation, this need not be the case.

Remember that is it okay to explain how you feel about working online and ask for anything that may help you to feel more at ease.

Just remember that with online sessions, it may take a handful of sessions to settle into the swing of it, and for your brain to register the ‘realness’ of the sessions (to some it can initially feel slightly detached), but this shifts in time as you increasingly get to know your therapist and relax into the rhythm of it.

Things to think about:

In order to help you feel comfortable and relaxed, try to think about the following points before your first session:

  • Try to ensure that you have a quiet and private place to join your online call, where you will not be interrupted, disturbed or overheard by anyone

  • Wearing earphones may help with this, as well as any issues with echo and sound quality

If at all possible, try and have some free time blocked out in the ten to 15 minutes or so after your session so you have time and space to think and process anything that comes up in the session, and not have to rush to switch into a different mode

  • Be prepared in advance for any connectivity issues: remember to keep your phone to hand and charged so that the session can switch to telephone if needed

Even though you may be at home try and think of it as a therapeutic time and space:

  • Be prepared for your session with anything which you may need: a glass of water, some tissues etc.

  • Try not to have any alcohol or stimulating / agitating substance during the session (i.e. caffeine)

  • As with a face-to-face session, keep your phone either turned off or on silent mode, and minimise all other distractions on your laptop or computer

And finally, a note about the most common online therapy platform: Zoom. This is usually the preferred platform as confidentiality and security are vital to protect your sessions. If you are not already familiar with Zoom, you can sign up for a free account beforehand, and watch one of many ‘how to’ guides on YouTube.


1. Hubley S, Lynch SB, Schneck C, Thomas M, Shore J. Review of key telepsychiatry outcomes. World J Psychiatry. 2016 Jun 22;6(2):269-82. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v6.i2.269. PMID: 27354970; PMCID: PMC4919267.