Stopping automatic negative thoughts (ANTs)

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In the 1990’s Dr. Daniel Amen came up with the term Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). He said they are “cynical, gloomy, and complaining thoughts that just seem to keep coming all by themselves", just like these examples:

    "My presentation is going to go horribly today and I’ll look stupid."

    "I'm just not attractive enough; I hate the way I look."

    "Something bad is going to happen. It always does."

The 9 Most Common ANTs

Dr Amen said there are 9 common ways that your thoughts lie to you, making you feel situations are worse than they really are:

  • "Always" thinking: This is when you think in words like "always, never, no one, every one, every time, everything"

  • Focusing on the negative: When you can only see the bad in a situation

  • Guilt beatings: You think in words like "should, must, ought or have to"

  • Fortune telling: You predict the worst possible outcome to a situation

  • Labelling: You attach a negative label to yourself or to someone else

  • Mind reading: You believe that you know what another person is thinking and it's not good. Even though they haven't told you and you didn't even ask

  • Thinking with your feelings: This is when you believe negative feelings without ever questioning them

  • Personalization: This is when you take a seemingly innocent event and take it to have a personal, negative meaning

  • Blame: This is the most harmful ANT and it happens when you blame someone else for your own problems

A self-perpetuating cycle:

Also remember that ANTS are directly linked with feelings but also behaviours.

Negative thoughts are a cycle to be broken: Our thoughts create feelings in us, these feelings create certain behaviours, and these behaviours reinforce our thoughts, and so the cycle continues.

3 Steps to Killing Your ANTs

1)   Become aware of it

The first step is to pay close attention to these thoughts and be ready for them. So the next time you notice an ANT entering your mind, simply recognize it and acknowledge it. Tell yourself that it's simply a thought and that thoughts aren't the truth. Even better - if you can, write down your ANT in a notebook or put it in your phone. This helps to spot patterns and keep track of your progress. What keeps coming up for you? Any themes?

2)  Challenge it

What would you do if a person started saying terrible things about a close friend of yours? You would probably stand up for them.  You want to treat your ANTs just like an irrational bully and challenge them: Is this thought true? What purpose does this thought serve me? What’s the alternative of looking at things? What advice would I give someone else who had this thought?

3)  Replace it with a more positive and affirming thought

The key to being happier and more positive lies in your ability to successfully flip your ANT and turn it into a PAT (Positive & Affirming Thought). For example:

  • This ANT, "My presentation is going to go horribly" becomes this PAT, "My presentation is going to be fine. I will be prepared and everyone will be receptive."

  • This ANT, "They always ignore my ideas during meetings. Why do I even bother?" becomes this PAT, "I have good ideas and I am appreciated for them."

  • This ANT, "Something bad is going to happen. It always does" becomes this PAT, "Today is going to be a good day."

 The next time you notice an ANT entering your mind, recognize it, challenge it and turn it around. Do this on a consistent basis and you will take away the ANTs' power, allowing you to gain control over your mood and ultimately your happiness.

Some other useful techniques:

Plan ahead

List three things you can do on a daily basis that you enjoy. Activity scheduling is a cognitive behavioural therapy exercise that helps people engage in behaviours they ordinarily would not engage in, but boost self-esteem, confidence, or relaxation levels.

Try to manage your feelings

Make a list of the negative things that control you and manage them. Write them down. How many of them are controllable? Regarding the rest of them, ask friends and family to be there for support when you need it, and explain what kind of support you need (don’t assume anyone can read your mind!). But, also remember to challenge whether these thoughts are true or not in the first place.

Measure your confidence

A good way to make progress in “squashing ANTs” is to set a confidence meter for yourself. How do you feel today? Challenged, fair, steady or strong? What made you feel good?


Re-framing thoughts


The brain, stress, and self-comforting